Monday, January 31, 2011

Roof, Wrapping and Bricks!

I'd like to introduce everyone to our house, this time with a completed roof, insulation padding and a small section of brick work! Salami curi-curi go to the site during lunch time to check on the work progress and took these photos :) So cepat man these builders.. I'm really impressed. We initially chose jarrah bricks but were advised close to settlement date that bricks of any red shade were no longer accepted as they do not fit in the modern theme. This despite lots of other semi-built houses having red bricks. What a load of crap. So, not wanting to create a kerfufle, we settled on vanilla bricks. It's too early to tell if the house looks noice with vanilla bricks- they seem to have 2 tones at different angles, a whitish and a yellowish warmer tone. I suppose we shall see when the whole house is done up ay?

The bricks we couldn't have
Front Patio
Side of house
Vanilla bricks

Wow Bricks Already!

Hello everyone! Welcome to our first blog of our soon-to-be-paradise in the west :) 

Wow it is happening so fast, after visiting an empty block of land for the last six months waiting for settlement, BANG! next thing you know the frame is up. Needless to say we are ecstatic, though i must admit Fern is not looking forward to the commute to work. 

We have both nearly always lived on the east side of Melbourne and it will be a big thing come June 2011 when we move to Williams Landing. That said we are ready to embrace our new home and are proud to be called Westies. 

Ok time to play catchup with some photos :)
24/12/2010 Slab is down

18/01/2011 Frame is going up


22/01/2011 Kim, Fern and James in the garage
22/01/2011 in the living room
29/01/2011 Windows are in and the bricks are on site

Well that's a start 

Sunday, January 30, 2011


We'll be right back after our fix of Noodles and Salami