Thursday, November 8, 2012

Expecting a Baby

Hello everyone!

It's been 20 months since our last post on our unfinished house. In that time, so much has happened! Our house was finallly ready! We moved in and soon after we had our official wedding in Mount. Dandenong, followed by our Chinese tea ceremony in Jaybee.

Reception at Lyrebird Falls, Mount. Dandenong

Tea ceremony at home in Jaybee
Fast forward 12 months and we are expecting a baby! I am 17 weeks pregnant today and everything is going well so far. Bubba is about the size of an onion with hair and eyes and ears all nicely developed and positioned. I guess bubba is well and truly getting used to my singing in the shower and my constant whistling.

We are calling bub Twinkle for now. Here is a piccie of Twinkle taken at 12 weeks 3 days :)

Bubba at 12 weeks 3 days

And here is pic. of me taken today at 17 weeks. Besides having big bedeng dengs, which hurt when squashed and terrible nasal congestion/ hay fever, I haven't had morning sickness or any aches or stretch marks (yet). I have yet to gain weight either which is a slight worry but everyone is different and i am trying not to think too much about it. I am sure it will happen in the next week or so.

Front big, backside also big

I have also started aqua natal classes with a bunch of moms to be. We do an hour of resistance training and running exercises in a 34 degrees hydrotheraphy pool to build up our strength and muscle control in the pelvic floor area. Better to build up strength now than regret later, after all nobody is going to help me push bubba out but myself...

At the moment, James is busy stripping and repainting a baby cot and change table we got from a friend, while I've been busy getting the vegie bed going amongst other baby and day to day life errands. 
James in his element

Till our next post, stay healthy and happy everybody!

Fern, James and Twinkle :)


  1. Fernnnnn Congratulation...Soon becoming mummy..happy for both you.

    1. Siti! How is the lil one? Write to me at We have so much to catch up on!
